Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Reflections over the Strike

Another year in University, another year in strike to confront the goverment for discussed Education together, students, professors, workers, the minister of education, etc. The big themes of this strike are the quality and the bussines in education, In addition the question about the first year of "free-education", because this is not secured for the next years and works like a scholarship and not give financiation directly to the public universities.

The strike in ICEI starts since month a half with a big level of participation, but with the pass of the weeks, the numer of students participating in the activities and discussions has been declining, for many reasons, one of them are those live in regions, personally I go to Rancagua every weekend, so in the strike I stay more time with my family.

During the strike, I have taken time to work for ICEI, visiting schools in Santiago speaking about both careers and respond the question of the students, they are very curios about  cinema and television and many are confused thinking the career is for actors.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

A Subject you've enjoyed studying this semester

This semester really liked it study for research seminar, because I'm working an interesting topic, Chilean webseries, from a viewpoint of audiovisual production, from where they obtain funds, such as diffusion works and finally whether it is profitable to generate content exclusively for the Internet.

In the seminar, professor teaching us about techniques for a good research using the book of Lorenzo Vilches, “La Investigación en Comunicación”, and accompanies our research in privates and common reunions to share experiences and process with the others groups. All of the investigation in the seminar have similar themes like internet, society, Citizenship in a digital era, etc.

I like this course because is open to our ideas, it allows us to create and discuss knowledge about communication, the next semester star the research with interviews and surveys to obtain first-hand information, I hope to reach the expected results and generate contacts for future professional life.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Webquest 2

Part 1
- My footprint is 3.40 metric tons
- In Chile is 3.87 metric tons.

Part 2
- Hand washing dishes can use up to 50 % more of water than using an efficient dishwasher.
- Only about 8 % of global energy comes from renewables.
- False
- Yes, it's the cleanest option and friendly with enviroment.

Part 3
1. Separated garbage.

2. Minimize the waist I created.

3. Crush plastic bottles to use less space.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

An Expert on my Field

Hello every one!
Today I present a great film editor (the people who works with the raw footage, selecting shots and combining them into sequences to create a finished motion picture) from USA, is a multiple Oscar winning (three Academy Award wins from six nominations for editing and three for sound mixing). His name? Walter Scott Murch, he has been referred to as “the most respected film editor and sound designer in the modern cinema”.
His work as both editor and sound designer on classic films such as Apocalypse Now, Ghost, The Godfather II & III, and the last movie, Tomorrowland. Has a book In the blink of an eye: A perspective on film editing he discusses something he calls the ‘Rule of Six‘. he describes as a list of priorities. These priorities can be used as a formative plan for your edit or a guideline to follow. The priorities: Emotion, Story, Rhythm, Eye Trace, Two Dimensional Place of Screen and Three Dimensional Space.
I really like the work of Walter Murch, a curiosity: he work stand up, I try it and is really useful!

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

A Meal I like to Cook for Myself

Hello everybody! I like so much this topic! I don’t cook very good, but I try.

Today I show you a great and simple recipe when you don’t have bread in house (especially on holidays) or in a camping, you only need some flour, salt, oil, warm water, and some kitchen tools like a skillet and fork. This recipe my grandmother taught me, that I call “Grandmother’s bread”.
My grandmother prepared this bread when she lived in the south of Chile, specifically in Coyhaique Alto and Balmaceda, a simple way to prepare bread and the most important, low-cost!

The recipe is:
On a pile of flour put a little oil, salt and warm water, mix the dough, open from the inside, so that the dough can "breathe " and then molding circles skillet size (is similar to a pizza). If you put too much water, put more flour.
Finally put a little oil in the skillet, fry for 2 to 3 minutes on each side and serve the dish. Can be accompanied by sweet things like jams or manjar (especially if it's homemade!) Or salted like ham or cheese.
Try it!

The Story of a Picture

I like this picture, althoug only I appear behind and it is difficult to find me (It seems game "Where's Waldo?", LOL); the photograph was taken by Sergio Guzman of Argnentina during the II Interamerican Scout Moot held between December 27, 2013 to Jaunary 4, 2014 in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

Picture show all who were part of the Chilean delegation to this event, more than 200 people, many of them -like me- traveled by bus to reach the place, a big journey because we encountered some technical mishaps and road police stopped us whenever they could to ask for papers that did not exist (that way they took some money) anyway we made it just in time for the opening.

And unforgetablle experience and I hope to repet in the III Interamerican Moot in Cuzco, Peru in 2018 to meet once again with my friends on the continent.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

My dog

When I child, in a Christmas Night I received a big box, when I opened, a dog jumps to me, A very nice Labrador Dog, I called "Reina", same as principal character of Lady and the Tramp, a Disney movie I saw recently.

Reina accompanied to me in all of my child and young life, very quiet, nice fur, and a great mom! Because she had 13 puppies!! At house we bought a lot of food for all the puppies, reina and his "dogfriend" 

Reina was a part of my family, one more in the house, but since some years ago, she died in natural causes, she had many years old, she lost an eye, and don’t barked as before. I miss her a lot! 

Today in my house, my brother has another dog, “kimy” and she is very playful.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016


My favorite object as I have recently, is a lens to protect the eye when one is many hours in front of the screen, and between university, smartphone, video editing and the same entertainment on the computer (I play Battlefront a lot), often me tired eyes and after seeing some reviews on the internet, I decided to buy them.

They have been very useful, because my eyes really rests, should not make an effort to read texts, increases contrast and reduces glare, I use whenever I'm in front of my computer screen, they also have style.

My life without this glasses would be the same as ever, perhaps more discomfort in the eye and had them before using them.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

My Career

As a child, my dream was to become an inventor. My great idea? create a spray that could clean all the rooms just by pressing a button (such as Mr Musculo's commercials lol), then wanted to study to become a forensic doctor, I saw some programs on TV (especially Inspector Rex) and I really drew attention to his I work, but I was slowly changing.One day I gave me the opportunity to work as a volunteer at a local electronic journal, which motivated me long to study journalism, but soon also walk was disappointed the work that was done.In the scouts, along with a group of friends we build a website with information on our movement and it was there that I discovered the world of audiovisual capabilities that delivers the image, the attractiveness of content, audience reception, the thousands chance to say something. 
In 2012 I was able to get a couple of film classes and I knew that was my career, I think it was the best, today I feel comfortable with the decision and hope to dedicate the work of post-production, distribution and expanded narrative

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

First Entry: My Autobiographie

My name is Pablo, I was born in Rancagua, 1 hour south from Santiago, and live there all my life, in the same house. I live with my parents (Rodrigo and Claudia) and two brothers (Rodrigo and Martín), they are studying in Liceo Bicentenario Óscar Castro Z., same high school of my father, uncles and me.
Rancagua is a boring city for a lot of people, but i like it, is relax, easy to travel, all services, friends, cinema, etc in a max 20 minutes thanks to a transport system, "Trans O'higgins" and many taxis in the street. 

However we have a big environmental problem because the cars expelled CO2 and during the winter the houses uses a wood stoves (expelled Mp10), plus El Teniente mining we have the most polluted air in Chile, next to Talca and Santiago.

I study Cinema and TV, live in Santiago during the week in a apartament with my uncle, every weekend i go to Rancagua because I'm volunteer in a Scout Group, working with the Pioneers, young people from 15 to 17 years old, we working in promoting dialog in themes like peace, the environmental, the social and they participating in meaningful activities for the development of his character.

I decided become filmmaker  because I believe in cinema as a tool for social transformation, and have the opportunity to tell the stories that interest me and that in one way and another are common to tall, like tales of city, myths, the characters thah pass from mouth to mouth, like the night of "San Juan" or "Tito Lastarria"