Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Reflections over the Strike

Another year in University, another year in strike to confront the goverment for discussed Education together, students, professors, workers, the minister of education, etc. The big themes of this strike are the quality and the bussines in education, In addition the question about the first year of "free-education", because this is not secured for the next years and works like a scholarship and not give financiation directly to the public universities.

The strike in ICEI starts since month a half with a big level of participation, but with the pass of the weeks, the numer of students participating in the activities and discussions has been declining, for many reasons, one of them are those live in regions, personally I go to Rancagua every weekend, so in the strike I stay more time with my family.

During the strike, I have taken time to work for ICEI, visiting schools in Santiago speaking about both careers and respond the question of the students, they are very curios about  cinema and television and many are confused thinking the career is for actors.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

A Subject you've enjoyed studying this semester

This semester really liked it study for research seminar, because I'm working an interesting topic, Chilean webseries, from a viewpoint of audiovisual production, from where they obtain funds, such as diffusion works and finally whether it is profitable to generate content exclusively for the Internet.

In the seminar, professor teaching us about techniques for a good research using the book of Lorenzo Vilches, “La Investigación en Comunicación”, and accompanies our research in privates and common reunions to share experiences and process with the others groups. All of the investigation in the seminar have similar themes like internet, society, Citizenship in a digital era, etc.

I like this course because is open to our ideas, it allows us to create and discuss knowledge about communication, the next semester star the research with interviews and surveys to obtain first-hand information, I hope to reach the expected results and generate contacts for future professional life.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Webquest 2

Part 1
- My footprint is 3.40 metric tons
- In Chile is 3.87 metric tons.

Part 2
- Hand washing dishes can use up to 50 % more of water than using an efficient dishwasher.
- Only about 8 % of global energy comes from renewables.
- False
- Yes, it's the cleanest option and friendly with enviroment.

Part 3
1. Separated garbage.

2. Minimize the waist I created.

3. Crush plastic bottles to use less space.